Etra: chosen as an Industry 4.0 case study

news / Etra scelta come caso studio sul tema dell’Industria 4.0

Today we are pleased to share a positive, confident message as we congratulate Beatrice Zanutto on achieving her degree in Corporate Economics, with a dissertation on ‘The Innovation Race in the Age of Industry 4.0’, which includes a case study of ETRA, among other companies.

Industry 4.0 is our present and our future, a philosophy in which our company firmly believes and in which we have been investing energy and resources for some years; an ongoing process that makes us more efficient and competitive every day.

We are very proud that we are considered an example to share and learn from regarding the application of this interconnecting process.

In our case, proof of the merit of Industry 4.0 is provided by the application of WinNOVA management software by NOVA, which for ten years now has been a consolidated tool of fundamental importance in our daily activities.